Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Five Truths About Me

Truth #1 - I am a proud geek. Many of you know this about me already. Name a geeky sci-fi, or cult classic, and I've probably seen it. (And consequently entered the fandom.) Doctor Who, Sherlock, Firefly, Harry Potter, Merlin, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Star Trek, Star Wars, pretty much anything Marvel and DC. And guys, I hate to say it, but...fandoms are scary. And yet somehow it's awesome. In a fandom, you are surrounded by people who are just as obsessed - and in most cases, far, far more obsessed -  as you are. They understand the emotional trauma that the BBC and Joss Whedon has caused you. They feel it too! They spout ridiculous theories and make fan art, and build shrines to Benedict Cumberbatch, and make you feel normal and well-adjusted in comparison. Anyway, I sort of got sidetracked there. In conclusion, I am an exceedingly geeky person. And I enjoy it immensely.

Truth #2 - I hate eggs. And mint. And bananas. And jelly.

Truth #3 - love office supplies. Post-it notes, pens, tape dispensers, paper clips, stationary, tacks, staplers, notebooks, you name it. (I especially love post-it notes. Did you know they have full adhesive post-it notes? And clear ones to put on books so you can write notes right on the page!?)

Truth #4 - I love to color. With crayons. It's exceedingly therapeutic, and at the same time incredibly frustrating, because I can never make it look perfect. Crayons are too unpredictable. And yet, I love them. I think I probably have over 300 crayons...

Truth #5 - Names are important to me. When someone remembers your name, it shows they're actually interested in sustaining a relationship with you. There's something personal about saying someone's name. I love it when people use my name, whether it's written or in conversation. I especially love it if someone gives me a nickname.


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